Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Enviromental quiz.

My carbon footprint is 2.94 tons in a year. Just it’s considering secondary activities.
The average carbon footprint of a Chilean person is 3.87 tons
Recycling just one glass bottle or jar can save enough energy to run your TV for 5 hours around.
The good ingredients to make compost are food and garden waste. Weed, crop waste, leafs, dung of animals among others.
Recycling is understands like the reprocessing of old materials into new products. It is used to reduce the contamination and pollution in our planet. It is the best form to avoid the exhaustion of natural resources and to eliminate the trash.
The recyclable goods can come from home, industries and business.
Is this true? Recycling aluminum uses only 15% if the energy required by virgin production.    No, this sentence is false because recycling aluminum uses only 5% of the energy required by virgin production.

The best 3 tips to avoid the contamination or organize our trash, from my perspective, are:
1.  Do the shopping with a fabric bag.
2.  Buy items with the less packing possible
3.  To separate the recycling trash and put them in a special section.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susana! I thing that your first recycling tip it´s very important. I'll tell my mother that we need one in our house!
