Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The soundtrack of our life!

Have you ever imagined your life without music, without sounds?
To me, music is very important .Is not just a sound that you can play and listen, you can also feel ,  to remember good moments and persons  or just have fun while you are doing something in certain circumstances.
Today I was thinking about how is music important in every situation of life like “the soundtrack of your own life”.  Have you ever walked in downtown and listened to your favorite song? When that happened is like your belly feels a lot of tiny rare insects and is like if you will get enough time to be there, stop walking and stay to listen the whole song.
The kind of music that I like is very varied since “Calle 13” until Radiohead. I like the circus and relaxing sounds. I have a lot of favorite artists, but one of them is a Chilean artist; his name is “Manuel Garcia” and is very cool. He only needs a guitar and his voice to express his thoughts.
My 2 latest big concerts were a long time ago, the first one was at the Caupolican theatre and it was about “Babasónicos” and the other one was in Victor Jara shed, there played Manuel Garcia with “Gepe” and “Chinoy” (all of them Chilean guys).
Finally, I can’t imagine my life without my music; enjoy a drink, think, dance, walk at the street (especially in autumn) or go in the subway, all of this things, are funnier when you listen your favorite music. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for telling me about Manuel García, I've just seen him on youtube and I think he's great.
    -IT is not just a sound
    -When that happenS IT is like your belly feels a lot of tiny rare insects and IT is AS if you WANTED TO HAVE enough time to be there
